Population explosion is an issue faced by the country at a risky level. How the population is increasing day by day is mainly a cause of trouble for all of us. Every day we come across a repeated phrase. "THE POPULATION BOMB IS TICKING".
Since the formation Pakistan has faced the problem of illiteracy, poverty, pollution, and unemployment. The population has a direct link with birth and death rates. These are measured by an average number of birth and death rates per thousand people.
There are several causes as Poverty, Child labor, Poor contraceptive use, Reduced mortality rates, Immigration are the main cause of over population in the world. The rapid population has several effects, most of which are negative as examined below Food insecurity, Water issues, Unemployment and underdevelopment in rural and urban areas. Burden on transport resources, Rise in crimes and terrorist activities due to unemployment. These problems can be resolved by taking some precautions. Firstly, population welfare programs like Women's Association, Green star Clinics and most important child welfare Association are receiving a good response from the public sector. In the past few years, I've examined that NGOs in collaboration with the government for population welfare. I'm positive about their success and the public is also giving positive vibes. The decrease in population will be implemented by an increase in literacy rate, the spread of education will also be led to a decrease in population growth. In my opinion Quality of education gives awareness to people and I believe that by giving awareness regarding family planning we can reduce the growth rate. I've observed that the government has started social marketing which will educate the public on overpopulation effects.
Lastly, In my opinion if these rules would be honestly followed by the public we can handle this expeditious increase in a population otherwise we will be facing a tremendous crisis in future.